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Carbon Offset Market Grows in 2020

Broader corporate demand for voluntary carbon offsets has increased this year (Ecosystem Marketplace). This reflects a commitment from companies voluntarily lowering the environmental impact of business operations.  The market encompasses a wid … Read More…

The Recycling Partnership and ACC back fees to lift recycling

Two major industry groups are promoting packaging fees on product makers to support recycling infrastructure development, a shift one MRF operator described as a “historical moment.” The Recycling Partnership on Sept. 29 released “Accelerating Recycling,” a policy document outlining a …

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California to help PET reclaimer expand capacity

A PET processor will use a $2 million low-interest loan from California’s recycling agency to buy sheet extrusion line equipment and refinance onerous debt. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) approved the Recycling Market Development Zone loan …

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KW invests in processing equipment amid pandemic

Supply and demand realities for key curbside plastics are evolving fast during the coronavirus pandemic, and they’ve led one major plastics recycling company to adjust operationally. During a session of WasteExpo Together Online 2020, a virtual event held last week …

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OECD countries split on Basel plastics decision

A coalition that includes the U.S. and European Union failed to agree on how new global plastic waste shipping regulations should affect the coalition’s member countries. As a result, each country will decide for itself how scrap plastic imports are …

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