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McKinsey weighs in on chemical recycling potential

McKinsey weighs in on chemical recycling potential If $40 billion were invested in chemical recycling technologies and certain constraints were resolved, chemical recycling processes could satisfy 4-8% of total polymer demand by 2030, according to a new analysis. … Read More…

Soil Organic Matter Mandates | BioCycle

Requirements for minimum soil organic matter content, driven by water supply and water quality issues, are being increasingly be adopted by local governments. Source: Soil Organic Matter Mandates | BioCycle Read More…

Plastics labeling needs consistency, clarity

Plastics labeling needs consistency, clarity Consumers are confused and frustrated by recycling label systems in the U.S., and it will take a group effort to fix the problem, panelists told Plastics Recycling Conference attendees. … Read More…

Plastics recycling report draws mainstream notice

Plastics recycling report draws mainstream notice A recent report on plastic recycling rates from The Last Beach Clean Up and Beyond Plastics has attracted the attention of several large news outlets and the mainstream public, but industry leaders said the data is misleading and counter-productive. … Read More…

What Do We Want From EPR?

As the political debate on how to pay for recycling continues, we need to focus on EPR’s strength of providing money for recycling. We need to accept that it won’t stabilize recycling markets or change packages. Done properly, it can raise recycling rates and stabilize programs. Every Paradise, however, comes with a snake. … Read More…

Eateries Dislike Ban on Plastics – Los Angeles Business Journal

Beyond the fact that restaurant operators dislike the higher costs of non-plastic food containers they soon may be forced to use, they also worry that compostable materials soak up sauces and generally make food less appetizing. “It’s not as simple as coming up with an alternative product but (making sure) that alternative product meets the […] Read More…