While the initial shock led facility operators to scramble, many have since invested millions into new equipment to improve material quality. Now, brand commitments and state policies are expected to be the next big market drivers. … Read More…
While the initial shock led facility operators to scramble, many have since invested millions into new equipment to improve material quality. Now, brand commitments and state policies are expected to be the next big market drivers. … Read More…
Brightmark Energy a chemical plastic recycling company with a facility located in Indiana has faced constant criticism for their proposed method for recycling plastics. After opening in 2019, the company is expected to finally send out its first fuel shipment later this year. … Read More…
Because 20% of the world’s virgin plastic production is polypropylene, increasing production of food-grade recycled PP makes economic and environmental sense. Source: Solving Recycled Polypropylene’s Biggest Challenge Read More…
Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Biden's administration has invested over 3 billion dollars in the United States lithium-ion industry. As part of this investment, 335 million dollars were specifically allocated towards the end-of-life of these products. … Read More…
Source: What does DRS offer as part of local and global responses to plastic waste? | Article | Packaging Europe Read More…
A bill that mandates a certain percentage of recycled content in thermoformed containers is now on the governor’s desk. Source: California Legislature Targets Thermoformed Packaging Read More…
The gears have turned on California's Carpet Stewardship Program for more than a decade – 10.5 years to be exact – to increase state recycling rates. Carpet America Recovery Effort's (CARE's) 2021 Annual Report illuminates the progress achieved under the CalRecycle-approved Carpet Stewardship Plan, which detailed the performance goals under Carpet Stewardship Law AB 2398, AB 1158, […] Read More…
Thermoform-to-thermoform bill draws mixed reactions Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain RPET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will materials recovery facilities do? … Read More…
The Northeast Recycling Council and Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association also note that any legislation should be paired with supporting efforts to boost recycling collection and infrastructure. … Read More…
Only US carpet EPR program reports 28% recycling rate California’s extended producer responsibility program for carpet achieved a sharp increase in the recycling rate last year, jumping 7 percentage points from the prior year. … Read More…