Zero waste jobs are opportunities to support workers from overburdened communities, according to speakers at the National Zero Waste Conference, but they must prioritize circular economy and environmental justice principles. Read More…
Zero waste jobs are opportunities to support workers from overburdened communities, according to speakers at the National Zero Waste Conference, but they must prioritize circular economy and environmental justice principles. Read More…
CalRecycle director ‘excited and ready’ for policy challenge After California’s legislature passed a host of recycling and reuse-related bills, the state’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery is shifting into high gear to turn the mandates into reality. → The post CalRecycle director ‘excited and ready’ for policy challenge appeared first on Resource Recycling […] Read More…
Chemical recycling isn’t a monolith, and future conversations about the technology need more nuance, particularly around EPR, speakers at a recent Product Stewardship Institute webinar said. Read More…
What’s the right role for chemical recycling? Mechanical recycling should take priority over chemical recycling, but there will need to be several technical solutions to the world’s plastic problem, argued panelists on a recent Product Stewardship Institute webinar. → Read More…
EU eyes higher recycled content requirements Online delivery packaging, takeaway cups and plastic drink bottles could see new targets for reuse and recycled content under proposals from the European Commission. → Read More…
Amcor triples goal for use of recycled resin After several years of gains in recycled content usage, Amcor is setting a new recycled content goal of 30% by 2030, tripling its previous target. → Read More…
The path to true sustainability A leader from the certification side of the sector explains the urgent need to bring smarter decision-making to all parts of the electronics value chain. → Read More…
How three OEMs approach product sustainability Leaders from Dell, Google and Samsung laid out details this week on how their companies are building strategies around repair, device longevity and more. → Read More…
The dust is yet to settle from the major reckoning the U.S. plastics recycling system faced, but three notable factors have the potential to change the status quo going forward, write researchers from the University of California, Berkeley. Read More…
The agency will host multiple workshops about how state, territorial and local governments can make their case for the highly anticipated infrastructure and education funding by the Jan. 16 deadline. Read More…