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How Composting Can Increase Crop Yields and Save Water

The “California Drought” is affecting a lot more than California; it’s actually a result of an unprecedented 23-year drought that is slowly but surely drying up the Colorado River, the main water source for the entire Southwest. To preserve water, California and other western US states have instituted restrictions on household and business water use. Read More…

Is ‘Chemical Recycling’ a Solution to the Global Scourge of Plastic Waste or an Environmentally Dirty Ruse to Keep Production High? – Inside Climate News

Diplomats negotiating guidelines for an international convention on hazardous wastes this month in Switzerland debated a new section on the “chemical recycling” of plastic debris fouling the global environment.  The 1989 Basel Convention, which seeks to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes, was updated in 2019 when 187 […] Read More…

NY Governor Signs Slimmed Down Right To Repair Act

  The Digital Fair Repair Act that passed the legislature in June had already been trimmed by lobbyists. They weren’t done. Chastened supporters cheered the first electronics right to repair law. Source: NY Governor Signs Slimmed Down Right To Repair Act Read More…

ISRI releases recycling docuseries

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), Washington, has released a docuseries it says goes behind the scenes to showcase opportunities and the future of the recycling industry, exploring innovative fields in recycling from those currently in the industry. The six-episode web series is called “Jobs of Tomorrow,” and ISRI says each episode focuses on […] Read More…

Experts tout the benefits of recycled glass pozzolans

Experts tout the benefits of recycled glass pozzolans Making new glass bottles is generally considered the highest and best use for cullet, but recycling glass into a cement substitute is actually better from a greenhouse gas perspective, speakers on a recent webinar said. → The post Experts tout the benefits of recycled glass pozzolans […] Read More…

Debating what it takes to make people trust recycling again

Debating what it takes to make people trust recycling again American consumers think recycling is of great importance, but their trust in the actual system has been slipping for years. A recent webinar brought experts together to brainstorm solutions. → The post Debating what it takes to make people trust recycling again appeared first […] Read More…