While observers are still parsing the details on MRF investments and material flows, some see the information as the latest sign that more can be done collectively to maximize national recycling activity.
While observers are still parsing the details on MRF investments and material flows, some see the information as the latest sign that more can be done collectively to maximize national recycling activity.
For the second straight year, a California proposal that had broad recyclability goals did not make it through the legislature. Senate Bill 54, the California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, did not receive enough votes to pass in …Continue Reading→
Source: Expansive plastic waste bill fails again – Resource Recycling News
Improper management of scrap plastics in Southeast Asia and elsewhere has increased sharply in the wake of China’s National Sword policy, according to international law enforcement body Interpol. The organization recently released a report titled “Emerging criminal trends in the …
A bill that would require 50% recycled content in plastic beverage containers is headed to the governor. Meanwhile, another major packaging effort failed as the clock ran down on this year’s legislative session.
A program called U.S. Plastics Pact, associated with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, will pursue strategies to eliminate unnecessary packaging, increase recyclability, and ensure packaging contains recycled plastic. It has more than 60 industry backers. Launched today, the collaborative effort is …
Association says its PE Film Critical Guidance and Test Documents measure recyclability of submitted packaging. Read More…
Company seeks material for its mechanical recycling plants in California and South Carolina. Read More…
Proponents say AB 2959 would clarify a loophole allowing smaller haulers to undercut franchise agreements and hinder progress toward state diversion targets. Critics said it would hurt the state’s efforts to curb organic waste.
U.S.-based The Recycling Partnership and U.K.-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation among those seeking 100 percent plastic packaging recyclability. Read More…
The COVID-19 pandemic has made consumers re-evaluate their wardrobes and the fashion industry is listening. It turns out greenhouse gas emissions from textile and clothing factories has reached 1.2 billion tons per year and the impact on the environm Read More…