The commercial aviation industry is looking to reduce its emissions and become more sustainable. One way the industry plans to do so is to look at options for sustainable jet fuel. A new study recently published in the Proceedings of the …

The commercial aviation industry is looking to reduce its emissions and become more sustainable. One way the industry plans to do so is to look at options for sustainable jet fuel. A new study recently published in the Proceedings of the …
We don’t think much about how paper mills operate. These new guidelines show why we should. Source: These new AF&PA guidelines help designers create better paper packagin Read More…
A federal initiative focused on energy efficiency in U.S. manufacturing recently selected two dozen recycling projects to support. A majority of the projects are related to plastics recycling, but others target fiber, metals and more. The REMADE (Reducing Embodied-Energy and …
SINGAPORE – The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (the Alliance), an international non-profit organisation, today announces the request for proposals (RFP) for projects that capture the economic value of plastic waste. As … Read More…
Extender Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a cornerstone in the shift towards a circular economy and is set to be a major legislative focus in 2021. Such laws set guidelines that require manufacturers to maintain responsibility for their products thro Read …
These recent pushes are largely California’s response to the fact that the U.S. has not ratified the Basel Agreement. Source: California Clamps Down on Plastics Exports Read More…
The package includes the third attempt at passing SB 54, a bill requiring single-use disposable packaging to be recyclable or compostable by January 2032. Other legislation focuses on labeling and exporting. Source: California legislators take aim at plastics with new bill package, including contested …
Walmart filed a motion to dismiss Greenpeace's suit that charged the retailer “employed unlawful, unfair, and deceptive business practices” in regard to the recyclability of its private-label product packaging. The document, which was file … Read More…
The package includes the third attempt at passing SB 54, a bill requiring single-use disposable packaging to be recyclable or compostable by January 2032. Other legislation focuses on labeling and exporting. … Read More…
One of several bills expected to tackle waste issues this year drew mixed reactions from industry leaders. Highlights include zero waste grants, a proposed national bottle bill, and a call to pause permitting for plastics manufacturing facilities. … Read More…